I found books on sale at the local grocery store yesterday. Not very cheap but ok. I bought two chick-lit books. Chasing Harry Winston (Diamanter är för evigt på svenska) by Lauren Weisberger, you'll know, she that wrote The devil wears Prada. And then a swedish book by Marika King named Supernova.I read very very much and I read everything. Usually I buy books in english because I want them to last a little bit longer. Yeah, I'm a really quick reader. I also tried some books in danish and that's quite good as well.
Anyway after the last book I read, Beat the Reaper by Josh Bazell which was a smart, violent and bloody mafia story I feel that some cheer me up books will suit their purpose.
Please feel free to leave a comment with your favourite books!
Boktips som du måste bara läsa.... Hungerspelen/the hunger games.
Jag har hemma if du vill låna. Tänk dig Harry potter - släng dig i väggen. Tänk dig Twighlightsaga - släng dig iväggen... Hungerspelen är sjukt mycket mer bättre och spännande. Ses snart. Puss Kamelen
Ojojoj! Det låter ju helt fantastiskt! Det måste ju vara årets läsupplevelse! PUSS PUSS
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