Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I'm so sorry that I only post songs right now but I'm not feeling very good.
We're in the middle of selling our house and it feels very shitty. It's like all our dreams just blows up in front of us. Or, it's been like that for a while of course and there's nothing else to do but now it's just so real but in the same time just like it was before because we haven't been able to move out.
Every day when I wake up I imagine that I'm going to feel a little bit better, and I mostly do, but then I break down and I fall down in this big black hole again.
But I tell myself that for every time I manage to crawl back up again I come a tiny step closer to feeling a little bit normal again.
All I want to do is to work out really hard, lie in my bed and cry or eat candy..
I always knew that it would be very hard but I never thought it could be this hard!


Anonymous said...

Vad ska man säga?? Det är en tung process att ta sig igenom.
Men ur kommer man även om man inte tror det vissa stunder!
Vi finns ju alltid för dig!! Du är ju vårt hjärta!!
Puss puss

Lilly Lee said...

Det blir bättre, det blir det alltid! Ta hand om dig och se framåt och på de bra sakerna du har här just nu!

JAg snor förresten lite punkter från din muslista, min var så kort ;-)

Sandy De Luxe said...

Lilly Lee: Tack! Ja det blir ju det till slut.
Det tycker jag absolut att du ska göra! =)