I broke my arm yesterday. My right arm has got a clean cut, both bones broken. NOT FUN!!
I spet 5 hours at the ER yesterday with no painkillers at all and when I finally got home I was exhausted, I am that now as well, but I can't sleep. The accident happened when I did a round kick in thaiboxing and slipped. I fell on my hand and heard a crack!
Anyway, I've been to work all day and I hope I can sleep now so that I can handle friday too. THen I probably will relax all weekend. Boooring!
Men fy vad hemskt..!
: (
Hoppas att det läker snabbt & bra...
Oj. Säger detsamma som Jema Rose, hoppas det läker snabbt & bra.
Drömde för övrigt att jag trillade och bröt armen. Iofs drömmer jag det då & då.
Usch, stackars! =/
Hopaps det läker ihopa fort & fint!
krya på dig plutta!
ojoj krya på dig!!
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