Monday, August 30, 2010


I must see this when it's showing in the cinemas. I love Danny Trejo, he is soo cool! Have you seen him in the De Palma commercial by the way?? If not, find it!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dragracing and fleamarkets part 1

Yesterday was a really nice day! I had a party with my workmates friday night, it sure was fun and we were home late but I wasn't hangover at all saturday. We woke up around ten and after a long breakfast we went down to the raceway to watch some Hot Rod Drags. They were really awesome. I can't believe that you can race like that with such old cars. I mean, look at this one!

Anyway, unfortunately it started to rain so they couldn't drive anymore. So we decided to visit some fleamarkets instead. And we actually found some good stuff. I've been looking a very long time for a porcelain animal like this. The new ones costs about 600€ and that's a little pricy. I know this one isn't very big but it's so cute and I just love that he is looking a little bit worried. And, it was just 15€.
We also bought this vase. I will have it on the floor in the entree with some white flowers in it I think. 15€ aswell.

Unexpected I was caught by a cold and we had to go home and I spent the evening drinking ginger tea and shivering under a blanket in the sofa. The fever is gone now but I'm snotty as h*ll!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I bought a pair of nice socks today at HepCat Store. I will use them to skate in, love to have thick socks in my skates!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Swedish Ebay

I have some shoes and kneepads at swedish ebay right now. Check it out here!

Sandra Valerie

This talented girl has a giveaway right now. The cutest little ring and a beautiful painting. Check it out!


OK! Go

I feel so happy today so I want to share this feeling with you by listening to this song. Or especially watch the video!

Monday, August 23, 2010


..was playing at the junkyard. Here's Hotrod from Hell!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

On the junkyard...

..there was nice cars.. with grill in bamboo..
..yummie cupcakes that I baked before we went there!
It was a splendid evening and it did work out very well to sleep in our car.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


My guy with his baby on the best spot!

Cardinal's Junkyeard Jamboree.. coming up tonight! It will be a fun event with loads of cool cars, motorbikes and nice people. Three good bands are playing as well. If you're in Skåne: Come!!

Friday, August 20, 2010


Does anyone know if your PMS and stomach ache gets worse if you don't work out?
Normally I work out about 6-10 times a week but since my kickboxing fight I just worked out about 3-4 times a week. I had my period twice now and my PMS is really bad. It feels like I'm in a black hole and I just want to cry. Is it due to the training volume?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Swede Hurt

This is Swede Hurt! She is an awesome Roller Derby player who is playing for Gotham Girls Roller Derby. She held a really good training with us here in Malmoe today. A lots of great exercises in pace lines and other stuff. Really hard. It went very well for me actually. I have this lousy skates I told you about but I managed quite good anyway. But damn! Those other girls from Copenhagen Roller Derby can skate! I want to be like them and now I'm just going to practise and practise until my new skates arrives. I will probably order them this weekend!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Members meeting

We've had members meeting with Crime City Rollers today. Thanks Brutal Bambi for letting us hold it in your living room! It was very nice to meet all the girls. We've grown from 12 to 50 members in 5 months, that's not bad! We've organized us a little bit more now, by letting all us new in to the different groups. I'm now head of merchandise and a member of logo and PR. Yey!

And by the way, I don't have the time to write in both languages anymore so now on you will have to suffer with only my bad english. Hope that's fine!

Prince Wladimir

On the danish trains they have a wonderful sort of tea. It's from kusmi tea and named prince Wladimir. I have tried kusmi tea before, a got a whole tin of darjeeling for my birthday but that one tastes crap! I love the prince instead!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Muddy water

Jag är sådär lite lagom skitig efter att ha sprungit 5km i lera och spöregn. Men det gick på 27 min iallafall.
I'm just a litte bit dirty after running 5km in mud and total rain. But I did it in 27 min anyway.


Åååh, jag drömmer just nu om de här rullorna. Riedell Vandal heter dem och ska vara en riktigt bra rullskridsko. Ack så dyra de är (299$) men nästa månad ska jag köpa dem. Mina gamla rullor funkar helt enkelt inte längre.
Oh, I dream about this skates right now. Riedell Vandal is their name and they should be a really good skate. They are expensive (299$) but I will buy them next month. I just can't skate with my old skates anymore.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Mobil blogg

Har länge velat mobilblogga men tre stödjer inte det. Men nån kan ju maila in! Detta är Muffy, min kompis från crime city rollers när hon var med i pride paraden!
Mobile blogpost test! My friend Muffy in the pride parade in stockholm!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bäddat för trubbel

Igår var vi på konsert igen! När det äntligen slutade regna vid tiotiden igår kväll så smög vi iväg till Far i Hatten i Folkets Park och tittade på Apa State Mental och Bäddat för trubbel. Skitbra!!
Max and Camilla
We were at a concert yesterday as well! When it finally stopped raining around ten a'clock we went over to Far i Hatten in the park and watched Apa State Mental and Bäddat för Trubbel. Awesome!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wayne Hancock

Ikväll blir det konsert på klubben Jive and Dive på Debaser i Malmö. Wayne Hancock och ett par andra band spelar. Men först träning med Crime City Rollers. Första inomhusträningen för mig. Wee!
It's concert time tonight at the club Jive and Dive at Debaser in Malmoe. Wayne Hancock and some other bands are playing. But first it's time for some Roller Derby with Crime City Rollers. My first training indoors. Wee!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

BBQ på HepCat

Idag var det BBQ på HepCat. Tyvärr regnade det för fullt. Men vi åkte dit en sväng och vi träffade lite trevligt folk. Provade dessa jeans som satt som en smäck men jag tycker att det är lite svårt att hitta snygga skor till dem. Nu under sommaren är det ju super med träskor men framåt hösten/vintern blir det svårare. Har ni några förslag?
Bilden är från Sivletto
It was a BBQ at HepCat today. Unfortunatly it rained all the time. We did go there for a while anyway and met some nice people. I also tried these pair of jeans on but I think it's kind of hard to find shoes that look good together with them. During the summer it's ok because you can wear them with cute clogs and so but in the autumn/winter it's getting harder. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vacation part 1

Gud vilken härlig semester jag har haft! Och än är den inte slut! Vi har hela denna veckan också och det händer en massa kul i Malmö. Här är ett litet semester collage. Vi har haft fint väder nästan hela tiden.
From up and left:
Max and my little brother taking a dip in the cold Skellefte water.
Conny (my uncle) and his girlfriend Linda is eating a big icecream.
Max in my parents boat.
My brother eating a big icecream.
Me showing my hairdo before going to a night club in Stockholm with my cousin.
Me and my mother eating shrimp sandwiches in the boat.
What a vacation I've had! And it ain't over yet! We have this week as well and it's a lot of fun stuff going on in Malmö. Here's a little vacation collage. We've had nice weather almost all the time.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fly away

Imorgon åker jag en runda till Umeå och sen hem till Malmö. Det ska bli skönt. Borta bra men hemma bäst!

I will go to Umeå for a few hours tomorrow and them fly home to Malmoe. It will be nice. Home sweet home!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fast as a shark!

Titta vad jag hittade på rean på PUB! Minimarkets shark swarovski dress. Nedsatt från 3000 kr till 1500. Vilket kap! Satt som en smäck, dock lite tightare än den på bilden för jag tycker det ser bättre ut. Nu är jag i Skellefteå, redovisar resten av shoppingen en annan dag.

Look what I found at the Sale at PUB! The shark swarovski dress from Minimarket. On sale from 300 euros to 150 euros. What a bargain! Fitted me like a glove, a little bit tighter than the one at the picture 'cause I find it better looking on me. I'm in Skellefteå, I'll show you the rest of the shopping another day.